Does fasting lead to binging
This is because delayed eating increases the risk of developing episodes of overeating & binge eating. [2] attempting to minimize or control binge eating by intermittent fasting is not a good idea.What makes if different from disordered eating is the intent and rationale for following it. weigh your emotions and intentionsThe main difference between the two groups.A prolonged fast needs to be prepared and not rushed on the body as a punishment.So, symptoms like hunger may resolve as your body adapts to regular fasting periods.
This is a survival mechanism!Having an eating window and a fasting window could set the stage for a binge.Consuming foods quickly during a binge.All depending on how bad the binge was.Fasting can also cause heartburn;
Forcing yourself to fast, which is going to lead to obsessing about food, watching the clock, waiting until the clock strikes zero and you're off to the races binging on anything you can find.Intermittent fasting led me to a eating disorder when i went back to normal eating (breakfast/lunch/dinner), where i've never felt satisfied no matter what and how many foods i ate.Given that everyone ate similar amounts and types of foods, this suggests that fasting does not typically lead to binge eating as some might have guessed.If anything, intermittent fasting in most people tends to moderate and reduce appetite which is the very antithesis of bingeing behaviour and is one of the reasons it is useful as a tool for weight l