What is meant by power conflict
Power relations exist in societies around the world.Power is defined as a measure of a person's ability to control the environment around them, including the behavior of other people.Rivals accumulate power and use conflict as a method of reducing their opponent's power level.It is found in virtually all businesses and is the power associated with ceos, managers, and other authority figures.This month's newsletter dissects some concepts about power.
Conflict theory is a general term coving a number of sociological approaches, which appose functionalism, and which share the idea that the basic feature of all societies was the struggle between different groups for access to limited resources.A conflict can be internal (within oneself) or external (between two or more individuals).When one person or party makes a choice and it affects someone else, we call that power over.Needed is a specification of what in social relations is correlative to these tendencies.Power enables people to enforce their will over others and as such, it determines people's attitude towards a conflict and the way they choose to resolve it.
In other types of conflict, power is also evident as it involves an asserting of influence to another.Conflict management, also known as conflict resolution, involves having a workplace that precludes conflict and a management team that successfully handles and resolves workplace issues.Power changes people and those who rise to the tops of companies and other organizations tend to prioritize their own goals and desires above those of others.Analysts reckon that north korean artillery can bombard seoul, the south korean capital, with 10,000 rounds a minute.It occurs when each one wishes to maintain or maximize the amount of influence that it exerts in the relationship and the social setting such as in a decision making process.
For a conflict to exist each of those involved must have some degree of power and the ability to influence the outcome of the conflict.Power conflict occurs when the parties involved intends to maximize what influence it has in the social setting.