How do you deal with people who whine
For example, your children are whining about a toy they both want.Bottom line, next time you hear an employee whine, do two things:It will actually tend to repulse people from you if you act this way.Or what are your plans to deal with this situation?Listen with pen and paper to catch the main points of the complaint.
When it happens that your child is whining about a particular item, simply remove access to that item.It's also one i have used as a parent with great success.First, coach them so they learn how to raise complaints more effectively.The next time a friend starts complaining, shift the focus.2 try spending some time with your child just hanging out and reading, riding bikes, or cooking together.
Then consider some adjustments to his routines that may help curb whining and other negative behaviors.This will make the whiner feel that you are listening to him and also will help you preserve your sanity.If it's uncomfortable for you to hear kids whine, breathe in slowly for 5 seconds and then breathe out for 5 seconds to calm yourself.Simply put, you just need to ask your friends to tell you to shut up every time you whine about something.Put it back on them.
Remember the last time you needed a good cry or complaint.Then ask clarification questions to get to the specifics of the problem, because vague problems are rarely solvable.No matter who is complaining, there are steps you can take to deal constructively with the situation.Help the employee see the bigger picture.At the end of the ten minutes (and it has to end on time—use a little egg timer), everybody goes their way.
Acknowledge to them that you.