What causes intersexuality
Biological causes of intersexuality typical males have sex chromosomes xy and typical females xx.The causes of intersexuality ( the more modern and accepted term) is complicated and involves potential abnormalities caused by both genetics, hormones, and other factors.The latter category includes a series of disorders in which there is no difference between internal and external sex structures.Adrenal hyperplasia is the most prevalent cause of intersexuality amongst xx people with a frequency of about 1 in 20000 births.In these cases the organism is resistant to male hormones, necessary for the development of the gonads and the rest of the male sexual characteristics.
There are over 150 different defects that have been identified so far, and each causes a different type of ais.Intersex is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of natural bodily variations.Here, the hormones are all normal, but the receptors to male hormones don't function properly.Rather, alterations occur in sex hormone levels and in overall sexual.Seeing intersex as falling into one of these classifications is considered outdated now, as the label includes many more variations.
One biological definition of a male child is the presence of a y chromosome.Testicular feminization, or androgen insensitivity syndrome, is caused by genetic mutations on the x chromosome that cause a male to be resistant to the action of androgens (male hormones).According to interact, a person (or their parent) might discover they are intersex when they experience puberty changes too early, in unexpected ways, very late, or not at all.